A new look for lucé

Pizza Lucé has been a Minneapolis establishment for 26 years. This restaurant has been a cornerstone of our local restaurant culture as well as a pioneer of all things gluten-free and vegan. When Pizza Lucé was looking to refresh their imagery, they reached out to The Restaurant Project to help update their look. Through a series of half-day photo shoots, we worked our way through photographing their menu and have an ongoing partnership to keep fresh images coming as their specials rotate. It’s been really exciting to see Pizza Lucé roll out these images and use them in a big way. You can find the updated work on their menus, a new website, promotional mailers and digital menu boards in each location.

Love from Pizza LucÉ


Their work and expertise have helped us better showcase our menu and achieve continuity in how we portray our food and dining experience.

The Restaurant Project has been amazing to work with. It's been awesome having an ongoing partnership with their team and we're looking forward to continuing to build our catalog!"

Our menus and digital presence have really come to life with the moments they've captured.

—Emily Scott of Pizza Lucé